Committed to the research and development of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, desktop virtualization, smart desktop, edge computing for users in education, government, enterprise, medical, energy and other industries.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI )

Today’s education IT must take advantage of new technologies to engage modern students while balancing operational expenses. Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a rapidly growing technology that makes it easier for students and teachers to take advantage of educational software at school and on their own devices, simultaneously saving the school IT department time, money, and security challenges.

Definition of VDI:

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is the practice of hosting a desktop operating system within a virtual machine (VM) running on a centralized server. Virtual Desktops (VDI) will speed up the desktop processing by moving the software off of the desktops and onto a central server in the data center. With this model, one software image is created which contains all software titles for the labs and classrooms. This image can be accessed by any computer in any lab or classroom.

VDI Infrastructure


Manage on the Cloud, different departments have diverse rights.

Double Desktop Mode: Personal and Teaching Desktop

Double System Mode: Virtual and Real System to ensure the teaching continuity.

High Availability Function to ensure the continuous desktop operation.

Multiple Scenarios Coexist and Flexibly switch

Rapid Deployment, Differential Update

Support V-GPU Tech,3D application will be used perfectly.

Desktop Control, Record Behavior Data

The desktop is secure and stable, teaching is continuous and reliable.

Seamlessly connect the cloud platform and build a smart campus.

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